

Are you being paid what you should be? Find out with our salary search tools

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Get ahead with your salary negotiations

Find out how much you should be earning!

We scan millions of job postings a day and extract data to show you how your current salary compares to what you could earn if you moved jobs or location!


Negotiate your next salary with confidence

Your salary is a fundamental aspect of your professional and personal life so take advantage of the knowledge behind the DirectlyApply salary insights and power your salary negotiations. Search your job title to see the salary ranges near you.


Understanding Your Pay

DirectlyApply ingests over 10 million job listings a day to constantly update the data behind our salary calculator. Our data is collected directly from job postings, offering an insight into the current salaries that are being offered and letting you know if you’re fairly compensated for your skills and experience.


Value your worth

Your salary impacts your quality of life, directly affecting your ability to cover essential expenses, save for the future and achieve your financial goals. You deserve to be fairly compensated for your skills and experience, so make sure you never underestimate your market worth!


Strategize Your Next Paycheck

Showing an employer you know what a fair salary is can contribute to an increase in their respect and recognition of the value you bring to the role. Our salary pages are here to help you negotiate with confidence when receiving a job offer or pushing for that promotion!


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How much do you earn an hour?

Use our salary calculator to break down how much you earn a week, a month and yearly.

Salary Calculator